I know - it's half term and I have far too much time on my hands. But I have spent the last few hours browsing a number of websites of interest and following random links from news stories I find interesting. Then I came across this - The Blair Years (1997 - 2007) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/uk_politics/2007/blair_years/default.stm
I can remember clearly watching the General Election results as they arrived in 1997 and watching Tony Blair and the Labour Party start to celebrate as it became clear they had won a victory. I also recall being caught up in the euphoria that we expected the change of government to bring. Since I had started secondary school and started to gain a political awareness I had only known a Conservative government and welcomed any change. Now after a period of Labour government, I am almost looking forward to a change of government again.
However, as we approach the General Election and Blair's possible push for a new role in Europe it is worth evaluating his role in history. It is easy to forget the way in which he was seen as a saviour for a good while. Spend some time looking at the links and remember, whether we like it or not the current General Election will be fought out in the shadow of Tony Blair in more ways than we may think.
What do you think of the Blair years? Success or Failure